Input flooding: expressing contrast

It is relatively easy to create good, purposeful controlled activities to practice a given structure or lexical area (check out this book if you have the time), but it is very hard to devise communicative tasks that naturally “trap” the language you want to focus on. So what’s plan B?

Test your English: count vs. non-count nouns

Which of these sentences are grammatically correct? 1. My boss gave me a very useful feedback the other day. 2. Supermarkets have aisles for different foods. 3. I have loads of homeworks to do. Easy, huh? Well, carry on.

Communicative approach and noticing

Dear Luiz, I’ve read your post about knowing that and knowing how…I firmly believe it makes a big difference and most of advanced students present some inaccuracies in grammar deriving from the way they were exposed to the topic in their learning process. I have also done some research on Noticing and interface position. At a …